Other Realms

A selection of biomes

Veteris is a world with many different faces.

Hosting thousands of unique environments each with a plethora of endemic species found nowhere else, Veteris is a living museum of what evolution is truly capable of producing. This section contains descriptions of creatures and places that do not fit into previous categories. Each will likely become its own section in time, filled with far more strange beings yet to be described.


Green Haze

2024, Digital

Running the gauntlet

In the waters of a lowland swamp, a dramatic scene unfolds in miniature. The skeletal remains of a long-deceased creature have been colonized by a gelatinous, rather fluffy organism known as Rugosa. Covering any available real estate like a crumpled, spreading blanket, this filter feeder removes organic particulates from the surrounding water. Swamps with high levels of Rugosa growth maintain a more transparent water column, hosting more autotrophs and greater biodiversity. Firmly attached to this ensconced matrix is the decaying husk of a once mobile Flame Diversoma. Its last dying act was to serve as a shelter for its numerous offspring, which are now developed enough to disperse en masse. The coordinated timing of this exodus is critical, for a slow diffusion of these larvae would make them easy prey for the surrounding cadre of predators, who have gathered in anticipation of this event. The most successful hunter thus far is the Spotted Spearmouth, which relies on its harpoon-like proboscis to stab the passing swimmers and drag them into its maw. A vast swarm of semi-transparent Swamp Pearls paddles along slowly, unaware of the violence unfolding nearby. Having little in the way of visual sensors or situational awareness, their lives are consumed by chasing the flow of nutrients and favorable conditions in this tangled aquatic realm.

Plated Spurgle

2024, Charcoal pencil and Digital

A Giant Forest Walker

Far too large to be felled by any predator in its habitat, the Plated Spurgle leads a slow-paced life suspended above the ground by five pairs of strong hydraulic legs. A walking ecosystem, it supports many other species, including flyers that nest between its plates and crawling symbionts which take refuge in special bubble pockets that develop just for them.


Forest Floor

2020, Digital

The chase begins

The long tendrils of the Purple Spire Creeper encircle this forest community deep in the valley. Following its traditional hunting path by the river, the predatory Veloxos has spotted its prey – a Dish-Faced Septaped that emerged from the undergrowth for a drink. The Septaped’s teal, reflective surface camouflages it well in its dimly-lit damp home on the forest floor, but now out in the open it appears as a shining beacon. After this brief instant of mutual acknowledgment, the race begins.


The Veloxos’ three powerful hydraulic legs can propel it with surprising swiftness to get it within striking range of its harpoon-like proboscis, which extends almost instantaneously to the full length of its body. The Septaped is a formidable quarry. Though it possesses no defensive mechanisms, the seven muscular legs lining its body can nearly teleport it back to its shady lair where it will become lost in the shadows. The perpetual arms-race of natural selection continues daily all across the planet with countless moments such as this.


2020, Digital

A mobile watchtower

The Purple Slow Walker gets most of its energy from sunlight, but occasionally it must travel for additional resources. Lumbering carefully and slowly across the landscape, it is searching for a patch of ground with the right composition to meet its nutritional needs. After detecting proper soil chemistry with receptors on its feet, it retracts its legs into its body and lowers itself down to extend mobile roots into the dirt. Preferred targets of the slow walker are decaying corpses, where useful materials are more highly concentrated. Often, several slow walkers congregate around large masses of carrion, in a macabre communion of spindly scavengers. This is the moment its minuscule companions have been waiting for. Otherwise relegated to hunting small creatures in the surrounding area, Passenger Pentapods rely on their mobile carcass-detectors to transport them to a free buffet. Living on top of the slow walker, pentapods also get the added benefit of shelter and mobility. In exchange, they defend their generous host with protection against parasites. They are of little use in the face of greater threats, and to deter a larger predator, the slow walker ejects a highly acidic spray from small orifices on its sides. Its small green fair-weather friends have usually scattered by this point, alerted to danger by their highly acute eyestalks, only to sheepishly return once the crisis has passed.


2024, Pencil/Digital

Surviving a heat wave

The climate in this region is usually hot and dry, punctuated by sporadic torrential downpours. After such events, the ground flourishes with a dense interconnected web of growth taking advantage of the temporary hydration. Once all the water dissipates, the soil is left to crack in the heat of the day. During these times Ponderosus are on the move, searching for the last remaining vernal pools. They used the times of plenty to fill up on nutrients, but now during a drought they switch primarily to photosynthesis to meet their energy needs. The smaller, dish-faced Lanx are not so lucky. Embedded in the ground unable to move, they must simply go dormant if the rains do not arrive soon enough. For now they point their open frills at the sun and gather energy while they still can. A Stealthspring prowls the scene looking for unfortunate small creatures who may not be faring well in the heat. Their predominant walking style requires a different gait for front and back sets of legs, but if needed their whole body becomes a giant spring, allowing them to burst forward for great distances. In an environment where major features like the ponderosus can move, it can be difficult to navigate from day to day, so the stealthspring must be ready to take flight at any time, should danger come calling.


The Challenger

2019, Digital

The inevitable showdown

A new competitor has entered the misty valley. Attracted by ample food supply, the hopeful newcomer will have to contend with the reigning resident of this territory. In times of scarcity, populations begrudgingly coexist in shrinking pockets of such favorable habitat, but rain and sun have been plentiful lately, so a battle seems imminent. Though direct conflicts are rare, the Greater Confo is quite prepared to deal a lethal blow in defense of its homeland. A set of forward-facing spears are very sharp, and can be extended with powerful force. The same hydraulic system that controls the pressure of the Confo’s fluid-filled legs and allows it to walk are employed in these defensive structures to jab an opponent with near-instantaneous speed. Apart from this rapid attack maneuver, the Confo is a rather slow-moving, unathletic plodder, lazily searching around for edible material in reach of its grasping mouthparts.

Greater confo

Its home is a tangled forest comprised of gnarled, photosynthetic creatures called Camcenas that have tough-shelled, branching growths filled with fluid. The glowing orange gel that covers vast stretches of the forest floor is produced by a coordinated guild of several species. In addition to being highly nutritious, it is extremely viscous and sticky, and its purpose is to ensnare hungry creatures that will later be consumed. Even a creature as large as a Confo may become trapped if it’s not careful. A flock of Bicolor Micans have noticed this dangerous gastronomic accumulation, and are arriving en masse to take advantage of it... carefully.


2013, Digital

Laterna pulmonis

Emitting light to stay hidden

Here in an Orb Forest, bioluminescence has developed yet again on Veteris. The vertical glowing clusters are the reproductive bulb form of a species with a complex life cycle. The groove-backed, ravenous creatures at the bottom are of the same species as the glowing blobs, but at a different life stage. At center is a rather placid, slow-moving consumer of the bulbs, one who has incorporated its own form of bioluminescence as a means of camouflage. It is known as a Laterna Pulmonis, and despite its great height—5 meters when standing upright— it is not the largest creature in this forest. However it does have ways to deal with them. To evade predators at night, it turns on its biolights, which are located in the respiratory organ. Two large daggers on its underside, along with protective spikes on its posterior can make such creatures think twice about considering it a potential meal.

In the Shadow of Colossus

2024, Digital

In the Shadow of Colossus

Veteris is a geologically dynamic world, with active plate tectonics that thrust huge mountains high into the sky. One of the highest ranges is Colossus, which contains peaks well over 50,000 feet tall. Here on its outskirts, deep valleys have formed, whose unfortunate position robs them of sunlight for most of the daytime. These twilight conditions are not favorable for creatures with high photosynthetic needs, but provide opportunities for others. The ominous Valley Plate-globes are covered in dark panels that absorb as much sunlight as possible during the short daylight hours. Rising far above the ground are the Skycolumns, who extend their fleshy fronds when the sun is directly overhead. Their main body column is heavily buttressed to prevent being toppled by strong winds.

Ghost Celeriarma

Callidus Pluriped

The particular species of tube carpet that covers the valley floor grows a large glowing bulb which carries a multitude of its microscopic embryos. Once the bulb reaches a certain size and luminosity, it attracts the attention of mobile creatures, who by eating it spread the tube carpet’s offspring far and wide. The primary patron at this bioluminescent buffet is the Ghost Celeriarma, a swift and well-defended denizen of the shadow lands. Like many inhabitants of Veteris, it utilizes a combination internal/external support structure that is both flexible and strong. A turret of eyes extends high above the rest of its body and gives it 360 degree surveillance capability. If eyesight should fail to detect a predator, its quick speed and sharp, moveable spines may keep it safe. A far less athletic creature, the smaller Pluriped has instead developed camouflage to avoid predation. Lateral markings and a glowing bulbous growth of its own help it blend in to the shadowy sea of tube carpet.